
Enzymes are molecules that control all chemical reactions in the body of living creatures. Different enzymes control different reactions and work only within a specific temperature range. Enzymes are large proteins with a unique shape. The shape of enzymes fits exactly the chemicals that should be reacting together.
1) Collect two 2cm cubed samples of saliva and place each in a separate 100cm3 beaker. Best to do this before lunch.
2) Test each sample with a sugar test strip (the samples must not contain any sugar)
3) In each beaker place 30cm cubed of starch solution
4) Place one beaker in an incubator at 37C and the other in the refrigerator.
5) Leave for one hour, test for the presence of sugar using a sugar test tape.

A representation of the shape specific enzymes that help carry out important reactions in living organisms.

Discuss the results of your experiment. What did you find?

Using the diagram above explain your results.

Suggest why insects (cold blooded) are dominant during summer rather than the cold winter months.


Home of butterflies